Here's why George Osborne's 2012 Party conference speech is full of holes and untruths; Mr. Osborne says:
1) "There are one million more private sector jobs"
Is this true? I wonder what the real numbers are...?
It's true there are 1,070,000 more people in private-sector jobs than there were before the election.
209,000 of these consist of further-education and 6th-form employees
formerly classified as public-sector, newly classified as private
sector: a sleight of hand even Mr Houdini would have envied.
That leaves us with 861,000. Except we can break this down further.
the exact same period, the UK LOST 628,000 public-sector jobs - quite
apart from the transfer mentioned above. That leaves 233,000 jobs. Far
cry from Mr Osborne's "1 million", isn't it?
It gets worse! Since July 2010 the UK has gained 165,000 part-time jobs - and lost 85,000 full-time jobs.
So the question is; what
kinds of jobs are have been created?-
full-time, living-wage positions - that people need, or 'Make do' low paid, part-time Jobs? I think the figures speak for themselves.
The employers laugh all the way to the bank, created lots of cost efficient, money saving part-time positions, whilst the low paid are forced to suffer whilst taking part time, low paid jobs.
2) "we're all in this together" - " That everyone was going to have to play their part"
Lets look at he figures estimated for 2012 by the '
Institute for Fiscal Studies':
Under Mr Osborne in the year 2012-13 Those with an annual income of :
£15,600 will lose an average of £44.75 per year.
£18,200 will be worse off by £36 per year.
£45,300 will get £98 more
£76,100 will gain around £105
The IFS calculates that those in the bottom 10% of earners will
see their annual incomes decline by £168 in 2012-13.
Those in the second
to last 10% of earners will see their incomes go down by £265.
The incomes of the top 10% of earners will decline by £300 and
those of the second-highest 10 per cent will fall by £102.
similar in cash terms to the sums lost by those at the bottom end of the
income distribution, these losses represent a much smaller share of the
total incomes of the wealthy.
In layman's terms; for the bottom 10% Losing £265 means not being able to afford food or heating. For the top 10% losing £300 is not buying an extra bottle of champagne.
So clearly we are not in this 'all together!
3)"That the cost of paying our debts cannot possibly be borne by one section of society alone."
Correct Mr. Osborne, the poor cannot bare the cost of the recession alone, time for the rich to pay there fair share?
4)"Each one of my Budgets has increased taxes overall on the very richest." - "And we've achieved that while getting rid of a cripplingly uncompetitive 50p rate that raised no money and cost jobs."
A lie that the rich are worse off; see earlier comment under
"we're all in this together" - " That everyone was going to have to play their part".
Osborne has increased taxes on the rich, yet in the same sentence he mentions reducing tax for the richest by 5% from 50p to 45p. The man makes a statement and then proves it is untrue himself and all in one sentence!
5)"But just as we should never balance the budget on the backs of the poor;
So it's an economic delusion to think you can balance it only on the wallets of the rich."
He clearly is balancing the budget on the backs of the poor. Notice how Osborne never says how he will tax the rich; but he is very, very certain about how he will hit the poorest. He is clear about massive wealfare cuts to the poorest in society yet he is against:
Raising Income taxes for the top earners.
Raising capital gains taxes on the wealthy.
Implementing a mansion tax on the super wealthy.
Implementing wealth taxes in general on the rich.
So how exactly are the rich paying their fair share?
6) "That's why I insisted on a cap on benefits, so no family can earn more out of work than the average family earns in work."
Average wage: £503.85 per week before tax.
Job seekers allowance: £71 per week before tax.
Is George giving the unemployed a raise? He clearly has no idea what he is talking about.
7)"Where is the fairness, we ask, for the shift-worker, leaving home in the
dark hours of the early morning, who looks up at the closed blinds of
their next door neighbour sleeping off a life on benefits."
Most unemployed people DREAM of having that shift workers job. The governments own figures for benefit fraud show that 0.5% of claimants are stealing from the state. Less than 1 in 100... The idea that a huge sway of people on benefits are cheats is a MYTH!
Attack and abuse on disabled people has risen by 75% under Mr. Osborne; he should be ashamed of perpetrating such vicious lies.
8)"We leave it to other parties to mark people by their background, to
divide, to try to re-order and pre-distribute society by the rules of
their favourite sociology textbook."
I put to you Mr. Osborne that is EXACTLY what you are doing.
9)"As I have said, the broadest shoulders will continue to bear the greatest burden."
This is simply not true see
"we are all in this together"
10)"It would be sold as a Mansion Tax. But once the tax inspector had his foot in the door you'd soon find most homes in the country labelled a 'mansion'."
Another myth. Most homes in the country would be hit by a mansion tax? The Libdems proposal is that people would start paying a mansion tax at £2million. This means Mr. Osborne must believe most homes in the country are worth £2million or more... Really is he THAT out of touch?
11) "You the employee: replace your old rights of unfair dismissal and redundancy with new rights of ownership."
Another shameless attack on employees rights. Be very careful before you allow your employer the right to sack you if they don't like the colour of your hair; and then give you absolutely nothing in your redundancy package, in exchange for a few measly shares.
The Lib Dems blocked the governments previous attempt to allow employers to fire employees at work; so good old George tries to push it through again via the back door.
12)"And when we fine those bankers involved in scandals like LIBOR"
Fine... FINE; If I stole billions from my boss I would be fired and face years in jail, not so for the bankers. Just a slap on the wrist; a fine for the banker who being worth millions will not feel it at all, not even slightly... Pathetic.
13)"We're not going to get through this as a country if we set one group against another, if we divide, denounce and demonise."
Then stop denouncing and demonising the poor and those on benefits. Stop dividing the country between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have nots, the home owners and those who cannot afford there own homes. This is what Osborne is doing whilst in government; creating more and more resentment between the wealthy and the poorest in society. Such actions can only lead to anger, hate and suffering for all concerned. Way to go George, if you really care about the UK resign and do it now.