Sunday, 26 April 2009

G20 chaos - Supplemental 3

Oh dear and it continues, the whole thing is blowing out of all proportion now.

A police officer is being investigated after allegedly writing on a website that he was keen to "bash some long haired hippies" at the G20 protest.

Home Office minister Lord West has defended G20 police saying: "I think we should be extremely proud of them."

And I agree, the majority of police officers where extremely professional. However there seems to be a minority who where looking for a fight... Sound familiar? The protesters where peaceful as a majority with a few bad apples, the major difference is a few protesters are expected to be violent and they should be dealt with according to the law. We don't expect the same from our police, if they continue to abuse the power they are given then perhaps what powers they are given needs to be examined.

The recent anti-terrorism legislation seems to be a particularly dangerous and much abused law. What with people being removed from party political conferences for shouting 'rubbish', people at a peaceful demonstration allegedly being told they would be removed because they where throwing paper airplanes and so on.

I will watch the protests with interest.

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