Friday 9 September 2011

British Justice... RIP

Welcome to 2011, welcome to a two tier justice system where how rich you are denotes how many times you will be punished...

Should how much money you have affect how severely you are punished for a given crime? Any sane rational person would say no; of course not. The sentence for murder is 20 years; if someone is rich do we reduce it to 10 years or if poor increase it to 30? Irrespective of social and economic background a crime is a crime and criminals should face the same sentence no matter who they are.  

Not any more! Conservatives around the country have been rubbing their hands together in glee at the prospect of attacking benefits claimants (many forced into benefits thanks to George Osborne's austerity measures). The riots gave them a real chance to rattle their sabres and attack the poorest in society. 

Rioters in receipt of housing benefits stand to lose their house, whilst those who own their own houses are safe and warm. Those on benefits (the poor) will be punished twice, whilst those in million pound mansions will be punished once. I don't see Cameron pushing for home owners to lose their mortgages and be evicted form their homes. 

He wants to pursue this irrational hatred of the poor on benefits as it allows him to justify this social engineering he is implementing. He now wants to pass further laws so that parents of children who truant from school can lose there home (if they are on benefits). Where next? Anyone who commits a crime loses benefit? So the very poor face fines they cannot afford and stand to lose their homes whilst the rich face a fine which is nothing but pocket change to them; how does this deter the rich from braking the law?

Where will we house these people thrown from there homes? The council will be forced to put them in B&B's which will be much more expense than keeping them in the home they already live in. This move to evict the underclass will actually cost the tax payer a lot more money.


David Cameron, George Osborne, Boris Johnson; all were members of the famous Bullingdon Club. An exclusive club for the super rich and privileged at Oxford. The Club's modus operandi has often been to book a private dining room under an assumed name, as most restaurateurs are wary of the Club's reputation for causing considerable drunken damage during the course of dinner.

So the very people calling for the poor to lose their homes for criminal damage to property where members of a club famous for drunken binges, social disobedience, violence and criminal damage. Will members of the Bullingdon club lose their homes? Will their parents face eviction? Of course not, its perfectly acceptable for the rich to riot; but if the poor do the same thing they should be crushed.

Tough on the cause of crime Mr Cameron? Is this why you totally ignore the cause of the riots. Is this why you chose not to look at why the riots happened in the first place. Evicting these thugs will give them far more cause to be angry at society and they will commit more crime. You bury your head in the sand and hope it all goes away. It will not, it will get worse because you choose to be blind to the unrest that grows in this country.

The Tories are pandering to and actively encouraging this mob mentality and the calls for revenge and retribution from less intelligent voters. British justice is not about revenge, it is about justice. Justice today is dead. I morn for it, perhaps you should too?

It seems we now live in a society where being poor is actually a crime...

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