Tuesday 8 November 2011

Lessons from history we just have not learnt

"Prices and profits grow but wages lag behind."

"The rich get richer whilst the poor grow poorer."

"Trade unions are determined to protect their members and there are many strikes."

"Around 2.8 million people are unemployed."

"There is a reduction in government revenue (money flowing into the Treasury from taxation). This has been caused partly by the general falling-off of business during the recession and partly by the enormous expense of unemployment benefits."

"There are drastic cuts made by government,  involving reduced spending on the army, navy, education, health services, and council house building."

"It is minority government lacking overall majority, and dependent on liberal votes to stay in office. They therefore have to pursue moderate polices.

There was a march from Jarrow to London of young unemployed."

Interesting statements?  Very current huh... Well no

All of theses statements were taken from a history book I own(I have only changed the statements from past tense to current).  These are all statements about the UK in the 1930's, after the great depression and just before the second world war. An economic crisis had hit the world, and it was partly responsible for instability and war. Here's the frightening bit want to glimpse the future? This is directly lifted form the book as well:

"Without the economic crisis though, it is doubtful if Hitler would have had much chance of attaining power; it was the widespread unemployment and social misery which gained the Nazis mass support, not only among the working classes but also among the lower-middle classes - office workers, shopkeepers, civil servants, teachers and small-scale farmers"


"Why was Mussolini able to come to power: The government had borrowed heavily and debt's had to be repaid, so the currency declined in value affecting the cost of living and massive unemployment (Euro Crisis anyone?) and growing contempt for the liberal parliamentary system"


So how can we stop the rise of some other 'Hitler' or 'Mussolini' from taking place? From the same history book:

"But the government partially defeated its own ends by continually warning local authorities to economise, revealing that it only imperfectly understood the workings of economics."

There is no UK PLC, the UK is a country and not a company, and a country needs stimulation and it needs it now. If the country is to grow and become strong once more we need a Plan B, a plan to encourage growth, create jobs and regulation to end the reckless casino gambling that banks still partake in to stop a repeat of the 2008 recession. 

We need that plan B before its too late. I just hope its not too late already...

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